« الجيش والسلطة في الجزائر: عودة « الحرب القذرة » والفضائح الأدبية »
حوار بين رفيق لبجاوي وحبيب سوايدية ألجيريا ووتش 28نوفمبر 2024 يجري هذا الحوار مع حبيب سوايدية ، المظلي السابق في القوات الخاصة للجيش الجزائري والشاهد المميز على « الحرب...
Informations sur la situation des droits humains en Algérie
حوار بين رفيق لبجاوي وحبيب سوايدية ألجيريا ووتش 28نوفمبر 2024 يجري هذا الحوار مع حبيب سوايدية ، المظلي السابق في القوات الخاصة للجيش الجزائري والشاهد المميز على « الحرب...
Par Boubaker T., Algeria-Watch, 11 juin 2023 En Algérie, l’EPTV, la télévision d’État, télévision qui n’a de publique que le nom, est depuis toujours un des centres principaux...
عودة الاشهار العمومي للمساهمين و استمرار إضراب العمال و الصحفيين رضوان بوجمعة, Algeria-Watch, 01.01.2023 عاد ت إدارةجريدة « الوطن » منذ بداية الأسبوع الجاري لتستفيد من ريع الاشهارالعمومي بمعدل صفحة...
Rafik Lebdjaoui, Algeria-Watch, 17 juillet 2019 Comment est né le réseau contre la répression et pour la libération des détenus d’opinion? Le Samedi 1er juin a été créé...
Publications More than 100 cases of enforced disappearance from Jijel governorate submitted to the UN (AK+AW, 31.12.09) Rachid Ramda: An Unsurprising But Disconcerting Verdict (P. Tourion, AW, 10.11.09)...
The attacks in Algiers: a population hostage to clan warfare by Lahouari Addi, François Gèze, Salima Mellah, Algeria-Watch, 16 December 2007 On the 11th December 2007, Algiers was...
No Impunity For Those Who Are Guilty of Crimes Against Humanity Conclusions of the UN’s Human Rights Committee Algeria-Watch, 8 November 2007 (french) The UN’s Human Rights Committee...
Algerian Authorities persist in the Denial of Crimes and in Injustice Algeria-Watch, 28 April 2008 Original Version For the third time in six months the human rights situation...
The disgraceful persecution of former colonel Mohammed Samraoui in Spain The spanish daily El Pais on the 15th November 2007 published the following text in support of Mohammed...
COMMUNIQUÉ Which ‘transitional justice’ in Algeria ? Questions on the possible constitution of a ‘Truth, Peace and Conciliation Commission’ Algeria-Watch, April 3 rd , 2007 (translation from french)...
General Smail Lamari and the Massacres of 1997-8 Algeria-Watch, 3 september 2007 The tenth anniversary of the massacres of 1997 and 1998 goes un-commemorated in Algeria. The killings...
Press Release, Algeria-Watch, January 11th 2007 January 1992-January 2007: 15 years of atrocities and impunity in Algeria Translation from french Fifteen years ago, a handful of Generals at...
Algeria-Watch: The « Disappearances » that Follow Kidnappings by the Security Forces in Algeria A Report on the « Disappearances » in Algeria March 1999 Translation from french Preliminary Remarks We are...
Algeria: A new Model of a « Democratic » Torture State by Lahouari Addi *and François Gèze **, Algeria-Watch, 20 July 2004 On 13 and 17 July, the French Minister...
Algeria: 200,000 Dead and 500 000 Arrests Later… Algeria-Watch, April 2005, Translation from german One year after the re-election of President Abdelaziz Bouteflika, many commentators have sought to...
An Espionage Affair With far-reaching Consequences (1) algeria-watch, July 1999, Translation from german Two Agents Before the Court At the end of October 1997, legal proceedings took place...
Bloody Peace Algeria-Watch, October 2000, Translation from german „Europe appears to have finally rediscovered Algeria!“ This statement by Werner Hoyers (former minister of state und MdB), that is...
The Junta in Court Algeria-Watch, September 2002, Translation from german From July 1 to 5, 2002, a trial of great significance and consequence took place in the 17...
Presentation Algeria-Watch, 4 April 2006 Algeria-Watch is an association campaigning for human rights in Algeria. It was created in Germany in 1997, but rapidly reached beyond German-speaking countries...
« Reconciliation » at the Price of Truth and Justice? Algeria-Watch, August 26, 2005, (Tranlation from german) On August 14, President Bouteflika gave a closely watched speech. He proposed that...
Who Killed Lounes Matoub? Algeria-Watch, Infomappe 15, January 2001 On June 25, 1998, Matoub Lounes, one of the most well-known singers in Algeria, was murdered. His death resulted...
To the media To refugee organisations To human rights organisations Berlin, May 25, 1999 BGS leaves the “dirty” work to the Algerian police The German government is preparing...
T’kout, Tizi-Ouzou, Serkadji, Châteauneuf… Torture at the Heart of the Algerian System of Power Algeria-Watch, 5 June 2004 On the 14th May 2004, riots erupted in the city...
Who killed the monks of Tibhirin? Algeria-Watch, January 2003, infomappe 22 In the night from 26 March to the 27th 1996 seven monks of the Trappist Order –...
TheSeddat massacre: chemical weapons in the anti-terrorist struggle Algeria-Watch, 31 May 2006 According to witnesses, on the 9th of May, 2006, theAlgerian army used toxic gas as part...
Algerian Junta Grant Themselves Amnesty Algeria-Watch, March 3, 2006 (Translation from german) After months of anticipation, on February 28, 2006, it was finally enacted: the law implementing the...
« Françalgérie » On the secret war in Algeria and French machinations Algeria-Watch, July 2004 (Translation from german) On April 28, a study entitled, « Françalgérie », crimes et mensonges d’Etats (Françalgérie,...
GIA: Armed Islamist Groups Serving the Algerian Sécurité militaire? Algeria-Watch, March 2003 (Translation from german) Who abducted three French consular officials in Algiers in October 1993, releasing them...
Reconciliation Cannot Be Built on Lies Algeria-Watch, 3 August 2004 (Translation from french) It was in the height of summer that a scandalous dossier was released documenting the...
The “Algerian enemy” of France: the GSPC or the secret services of the military junta? Omar Benderra, François Gèze, Salima Mellah, Algeria-Watch, 23 July 2005, (Translation from french)...
Mrs Tigha’s Harassment by the Algerian Secret Service Algeria-Watch, 23 February 2004 Mrs Fouzia Tigha, née Mendil, mother of two children, is the wife of Mr Abdelkader Tigha,...
Extrajudicial Killings Algeria-Watch, April 1999, Translation from german The repression in Algeria is characterized by three elements that are often very closely connected with each other: the disappeared,...
Criminal Lawsuits Against Algeria’s Generals Algeria-Watch, January 2004 (Translation from german) Two lawsuits were filed in December 2003 in Paris: one by the family of one of the...
Self-amnesty of Criminal Generals is Unconstitutional and Illegal Algeria-Watch, March 5, 2006, Translation from french Today in Algeria, we are witnessing an ultimate attempt to blot out the...
Enquête sur les dissensions au sein de la hiérarchie militaire algérienne sur fond d’émeutes Lahouari Addi, Alger, algeria-watch, Juin 2001 Le 7 juin dernier, la presse algérienne a...