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« الجيش والسلطة في الجزائر: عودة « الحرب القذرة » والفضائح الأدبية »

حوار بين رفيق لبجاوي وحبيب سوايدية ألجيريا ووتش 28نوفمبر 2024 يجري هذا الحوار مع حبيب سوايدية ، المظلي السابق في القوات الخاصة للجيش الجزائري والشاهد المميز على « الحرب...

الوطن » صحيفة هشة، صحفيون دون أجور و مساهمون غارقون في الريع »

عودة الاشهار العمومي للمساهمين و استمرار إضراب العمال و الصحفيين رضوان بوجمعة, Algeria-Watch, 01.01.2023 عاد ت إدارةجريدة « الوطن » منذ بداية الأسبوع الجاري لتستفيد من ريع الاشهارالعمومي بمعدل صفحة...

Algeria: Running on fumes

Unless oil prices go way up, Algeria is in a world of hurt. Simon Speakman Cordall, Al Monitor, Feb 18, 2021 Few were surprised when, a little over...

Algeria After Salah: Difficult Days Loom Ahead

Robert Prince, Blog, January 23, 2020 Angst and uncertainty remain heightened after the death of Algeria’s General Ahmad Gaid Salah, the country’s strongman during the transition period. The...

Algeria’s Youm Echâab – Day of the People

Rob Prince, March 15, 2019 ______________ • “Dear USA, there is no oil left, so STAY AWAY unless you want olive oil” • “Algeria is kidnapped by...

Algeria, rising

Hugh Roberts, 10 mars 2019 The Algerian state is in crisis because the popular refusal of a fifth term for President Abdelaziz Bouteflika has immense constitutional implications and...

Algeria and OPEC

ALGERIA AND OPEC by Hocine Malti, February 2018 Algeria has been independent since July 5, 1962. It gained its independence, after conducting a war of liberation which lasted...

OPEC and the global energy order

OPEC AND THE GLOBAL ENERGY ORDER From its Origins to the Present Time New York University ABU DHABI 18-20 April, 2017 Once upon a time, there was an...

Why is Interpol doing the work of Arab despots?

Why is Interpol doing the work of Arab despots? Robert Fisk, The Independant, 26 August 2015 We were taught that Interpol was on the front line against...

Habib Souaïdia and Algerian state crime

Habib Souaïdia and Algerian state crime Jeremy H. Keenan, State Crime Research, 8 July 2015 In April 2015, Habib Souaïdia made a rare sortie into the public domain,...

Foreign governments gave millions to foundation while Clinton was at State Dept.

Foreign governments gave millions to foundation while Clinton was at State Dept. Washington Post, 27 february 2015 The Clinton Foundation accepted millions of dollars from seven foreign...

Algeria-Watch: Articles

Articles Harassment against those who struggle for human rights must stop! (Observatory, 26.04.12) Gordon Campbell on the arrest of Mourad Dhina (Scoop, 26.01.12) Algeria police on alert after...

Algeria-Watch: Articles 2005

2005 “I want justice” (AI, 09.12.05) Algerian bomb suspect jailed in France after extradition (MET, 02.12.05) Ten years of EUROMED: Time to end the human rights deficit (AI,...

Algeria-Watch: Articles

2006 Journalists get three months in prison for accusing prefect of corruption (RSF , 26.12.06) Govt Decides Zaoui Case No Bar To Review (Newswire , 05.12.06) Russia, Algeria...

Algeria-Watch: Articles

2007 Russia: Arms exports hit an all-time high (Kommersant, 25.12.07) Westminster rejects to extradite Khalifa to Algeria (EK, 25.12.07) Milk and semolina prices not to increase (EK, 25.12.07)...

Algeria-Watch: Articles

2008 What Happened to Hassan Hattab and Amari Saïfi (alias Abderrezak El Para)? (AW, 20.12.08) “Al-Qaeda in the Maghreb bankrupt and captured by Bin Laden fellows” (EK, 18.12.08)...

Algeria-Watch: Articles 2002

2002 U.S. to Sell Military Gear to Algeria to Help It Fight Militants  (N-Y Times, 10.12.02) US arms Algeria for fight against Islamic terror (The Guardian, 10.12.02) Algerian...

Algeria-Watch: Articles 2001

2001 Benhadjar sets record straight on internecine GIA (Algeria interface, 27.12.01) Flooding and Muddied State-Society Relations (MER, 11.12.01) The Algerian Connection (Eat the State, November, 21, 2001) Terrorist...

Algeria-Watch: Articles 1997-2000

2000 The Algerian Tragedy Continues (Z magazine, December 2000) No end to killing as government turns blind eye (Algeria interface, 22.12.00) Algeria splashes out on arms (Algeria interface,...

Algeria-Watch: Articles 2004

2004 Families of Algeria’s « disappeared » search for truth (Reuters, 26.12.04) US-trained forces scour Sahara for terror links  (Boston Globe, 12.12.04) A pile-up of shameful contradictions (The Guardian, 24.11.04)...

Algeria’s Renewed Despair

In the Shadows of the Mafia Regime Algeria’s Renewed Despair by DAVID PORTER, Counterpunch, February 26, 2014 The official announcement on February 22nd that Abdelaziz Bouteflika will now...

Algeria-Watch: Articles 2003

2003 Crude politics (The Guardian, 17.11.03) Dr. S.-E Sidhoum has decided to leave clandestinity (Press release, 29.09.03) Algeria and terrorism – A complex web (IISS, 08.03) DRS, GIA...

Sonatrach: Algeria’s Energy Company, 50 Years Later

Sonatrach: Algeria’s Energy Company, 50 Years Later1 By Hocine Malti2 , December 25, 2013 In a few days, Sonatrach, the Algerian energy company, will celebrate its 50th anniversary....

General Toufik: Algeria’s God

General Toufik: Algeria’s God An Open Letter to Mohamed “Toufik” Mediène Hocine Malti, Algeria-Watch, 16 february 2013 Hocine Malti, former vice-CEO of Sonatrach (1972-1975), is the author of...

Why Algeria Didn’t Warn the U.S. About Its Hostage Raid

Why Algeria Didn’t Warn the U.S. About Its Hostage Raid Eli Lake, The daily Beast, January 18, 2013 A messy hostage raid put Americans lives at risk—and...

The Algeria Powder Keg

The Algeria Powder Keg Bruce Riedel, The daily Beast, January 21, 2013 It has the largest army in Africa, a ruthless intelligence service, and a new Islamist...

Thoughts for Independent Algeria’s 50th Birthday

Thoughts for Independent Algeria’s 50th Birthday By David Porter, Saturday, June 23, 2012 July 5, 2012 will mark Algeria’s 50th anniversary of national independence from 132 years...

Long Delays Tainting Terrorism Trials

Algeria: Long Delays Tainting Terrorism Trials Courts’ Refusal to Hear Key Witness Violates Due Process Human Rights Watch, June 18, 2012 (Beirut) – The Algerian authorities’ long delays...