Bouteflika renews pre-May 17th elections government
Except Bedjaoui, Hamimid and Guidoum departure
Bouteflika renews pre-May 17th elections government
El Khabar, 5 june 2007
According to Republic presidency communiqué, President Abdelaziz Bouteflika Defence Minister renewed Mr. Abdelaziz Belkhadem as a Prime Minister after May 17th elections won by the presidential coalition.
Among the 19 ministers elected in the parliament the president renewed 17 ministers and dismissed Mohamed Nadir Hamimid and Yahia Guidoum, respectively housing and sport ministers.
Abdelaziz Belkhadem seemed after his appointment on the head optimistic by his “expected” appointment, after his staff resignation on Friday.
Mourad Medelci was appointed as a minister of State Minister of Home Affairs as a replacement of Mr. Mohamed Bedjaoui. Abdelkrim Djoudi appointed as a minister of finance in stead of Mourad Medelci, and Fatiha Mentouri as a delegate minister in charge of financial reform.
Nourredine Moussa was appointed at the head of housing ministry in stead of tourism whereas Cherif Rahmani was appointed as a Minister of urban development, environment and tourism.
However, communication minister El Hachemi Djiar was appointed at the head of Sport and youth ministry in stead of Yahia Guidoum, and appointed Rachid Boukerzaza at the head of communication ministry while Mahmoud Khoudri was appointed at the head of the ministry in charge of relations with the parliament.
Tayeb Louh is now in charge of the ministry of labour and social safety while Djamel Ould Abbès was appointed at the head of national solidarity ministry.
By Atef Kedadra/ Translated by N. K