Algeria-Watch: Human Rights Violations > Torture
- Mounir Hammouche’s death under tortured examined by the UN (AK, 15.01.09)
- Human Rights League’ Chairman: “General Prosecutors refuse opening investigation on torture cases” (EK, 31.07.08)
- Report Alkarama: Torture remains a common practice (April 2008, pdf)
- Amnesty accuses Algeria of torture (FT, 10.07.06)
- Algeria: Evidence of persistent torture by the Military Security in secret locations (AI, 10.07.06)
- Unrestrained powers: Torture by Algeria’s Military Security (AI, Report, pdf, 10.07.06)
- Amnesty International writes to Algerian President about torture concerns (AI, 24.04.06)
- Algeria: Torture in the « War on Terror » (AI, pdf, 300ko, 24.04.06)
- Fear of torture or ill-treatment: M’hamed Benyamina and Mourad Ikhlef (AI, 03.04.06)
- Fear of torture: Nouamane Meziche (AI, 23.01.06)
- Fear for Safety/Intimidation (AI, 23.09.05)
- The Deposition of a Citizen of Alger Harassed by the Police since his Liberation in 1999 (ODHA, 12.06.05)
- Brahim Soudani, Guelma, Tradesman, January 2003 (ODHA, June, 2005)
- “I kill you and you will rejoin the list of disappeared ” (ODHA, 12.06.05)
- I was tortured, says ricin plotter (Times Online, 09.05.05)
- Ahmed Cherbi, abducted and tortured in 2002 to confirm the official version of the assassination of Lounès Matoub (ODHA, 02.05)
- Torture at the Heart of the Algerian System of Power (AW, 05.06.04)
- “Neither Bouteflika nor your God can save you our hands” (ODHA, 13.05.03)
- Testimonies of Torture: Nacera B. (1998) (ODHA, Oct. 2003)
- Torture of Tahar Façouli (AI, 16.12.02)
- Brahim Labada nd Abdelkrim Khider: Torture to extract confessions (AI, 14.11.02)
- Algerian general target of new torture allegations in French court (AFP, 01.07.02)
- Algerian General Accused of Torture Escapes Investigation (Human Rights Watch, 28.04.01)
- Torture / Fear of further torture (The case of Said Zaoui, 16.02.01)
- Testimonies of Torture: Fatma-Zohra B. (1995) (ODHA, Oct. 2003)
- Survivors of torture from Algeria (Report, Med. Foundation, Mai 1999)
- The hell the West refuses to see: Torture of a nation (The Observer, 28.06.98)
- Urgent Action- Arrest, Torture and Harassment (OMCT, 05.02.98)
- Conscript tells of Algeria’s torture chambers (UK News, 03.11.97)
- Algerians tortured by security forces (The Irish Times, 30.10.97)
- Now their torturers tell the truth (The Independent, 30.10.97)
- Witness from the front line of a police force bent on brutality (The Independent, 30.10.97)
- Surviving Algeria (The Observer, 29.06.97)