Families of the extradited ask explanations

Foreign ministry promised to release them soon

Families of the extradited ask explanations

El Khabar, June 22, 2006

Families of the two Algerian nationals, who were extradited by the United Kingdom at the beginning of last week towards Algeria under pretext of “maintain the safety internal of the country”, gave a request to the General Prosecutor of the Court of Algiers. The families of Belarbi and Sellali claim explanations and clarifications around the fate of their son which are not requested by the Algerian authorities.
After one week of the announcement of the British Interior of the Algerian extradition towards their country of origin Algeria, doubts always plane around the fate of Belarbi Farid and Sellali Khaled who are now between the hands of the Algerian authorities. The families of the two concerned ones claim their release as soon as possible, the families of Belarbi and Sellali have constituted a defence in this case, the father of Sellali has indicated to El Khabar that his son “was extradited on June 17” and that he is free of all charges or suspicions and he has “remained held without charge” in the United Kingdom.
In addition, he has indicated that he has gone to the services of the Foreign Affairs Tuesday “they have told me that what occurred was an ordinary thing, yours wire will be released the next days”. When with the second it was extradited on June 16, contacts with his family have indicated that it “remained in the British prisons during three years in company of 15 others prevented after the threats against London and of the British cities”.
The lawyer of the two families, Me Sidehoume Amine, has indicated that the request which was given to the Prosecutor General of the Court of Algiers mentions that “the concerned ones were stopped with the airport Houari Boumediene and since their arrival no news”.
Defence is based in this request on the law in its article 51 of the Code of Penal Procedures “any arrested person can have a means to contact its family”, according to Sidehoume this was not respected in this case.

By Atef Kedadra