Further Information on an algerian asylum-seeker (m), known as « X »

PUBLIC AI Index: MDE 28/013/2007
20 June 2007

Further Information on UA 146/07 (MDE 28/012/2007, 12 June 2007) Incommunicado detention/torture or ill-treatment


Algerian asylum-seeker (m), known as « X »

“X“, who was arrested on 6 June after he was deported from the UK, was released without charge on the morning of 16 June. He was able to join his wife, who is currently in Algiers.

He had been held incommunicado for 10 days, and did not know where he was. He is believed to have been in the custody of the Department for Information and Security (Département du renseignement et de la sécurité, DRS).

Amnesty International was able to speak with “X” after his release. He said he was treated well and his daily interrogations were carried out in a dignified manner. He also said that he neither sought to know where he was being detained nor asked to contact his family or lawyer in the UK. “X” reported that he provided the DRS with medical certificates regarding his state of health, and was able to take the medicines he needed. However, Amnesty International notes that, in its experience, the fact that someone has just been released from DRS custody will weigh heavily on their mind when they speak about their treatment in detention, in case they expose themselves to possible retribution.

Amnesty International believes that “X” is not now at risk of torture or other ill-treatment.

No further action is requested from the UA network. Many thanks to all who sent appeals.