Algerian detainees in Spanish prisons on an unlimited hunger strike

Imprisoned for terrorism-related charges

Algerian detainees in Spanish prisons on an unlimited hunger strike

El Khabar, 2 septembre 2007

An important number of Algeria prisoners went on an unlimited hunger strike in most of the Spanish prisons yesterday to protest against their detention for years without ground of evidence. They are all indicted with terrorism related charges.
Algerians in most of the Spanish penitentiaries went yesterday on an unlimited hunger strike, well-informed sources told El Khabar.
The Spanish penitentiary administration, according to the same sources, wonders about how the prisoners managed to coordinate the strike especially that they are either geographically isolated or being in cells. Mr Noureddine Belmeddah, representative of Algerian community in Spain confirmed the strike.
Except seven detainees released for non-ground of evidence, Mr Noureddine Belmeddah stated that a huge number of detainees are still in the Spanish prisons. They neither are tries nor released.
Mr Noureddine Belmeddah further added that they do not enjoy a fair treatment, and talked about a discrimination based on citizenship as he pointed out “a Spanish detainee for terrorism-related charges has been discharged and compensated while the seven Algerians were not despite the fact of being imprisoned for many years with no-ground of evidence.


By A. K/ Translated by N. K