Algeria committed to security cooperation with condition
Ech-Chorouk, February 01, 2008
Verbal contest resumed between Algeria and the United Nations on the ground of the December 11 attacks which killed 17 people, including 17 UN staff.
Algerian interior minister Nourredine Yazid Zerhouni said Algeria is committed to security cooperation with nations threatened by Al-Qaeda and its branches such as the United States and European Union.
During a meeting of Arab interior ministers held in Tunisia, Zerhouni did not mention the United Nations which had said they wanted to set up an independent commission to investigate the attacks in Algiers.
« Concrete, effective and honest international collaboration needs respect for the sovereignty of nations without interference in their domestic affairs, » he said.
Zerhouni critisied parties which had doubts on the seriousness of Algerian security forces in the fight against terrorism.
He announced that the terrorist cell which was behind the December 11 attacks was dismantled by arresting two terrorists and killing two others.
Zerhouni’s remarks were understood as being addressed to the UN’s Under Secretary General for Safety and Security, David Veness who attended the 25th edition of Arab interior ministers’ annual meeting.
David Veness warned the UN was working to bring about a « radical » change in its approach to protecting personnel, taking « all necessary measures ».
A number of amendments were introduced in the Arab Convention on the Suppression of Terrorism. It criminalises incitation to terrorism, publishing documents to encourage it and collecting money for terror support.
By : Mohamed Meslem / Translated by : Halima Nine