« No marines forces in the Algerian Sahara »

A.U’s Peace and Security commissioner to El Khabar

« No marines forces in the Algerian Sahara »

El Khabar, 3 april 2008

African Union’s Peace and Security commissioner, Mr. Ramdane Laamamra has denied the presence of any foreign military forces on the Algerian territories, saying the Algerian experience in terms of counterterrorism « is demanded by others and not the contrary. »

Some internet websites have already posted images showing US-Algeria joint military trainings in the Algerian desert. El Khabar has asked Mr. Ramdane Laamamra, recently appointed as a Peace and Security commissioner in Africa, on the reliability of pictures being recently posted on internet, he said: « there are neither US forces, nor any forces of other nationalities in Algeria, » adding: « Algeria doesn’t need any equipment in its war against terror. » Mr. Laamamra statements have been made on the fringe of countering terror in North Africa conference being held in the African Centre for the Study and Research on Terrorism, ACSRT in Algiers. He further indicated: « all African partners in the field of counterterrorism are coordinating and cooperating with the Peace and Security commission against this translational blight (terrorism). » It is worth mentioning that the US TV Channel ABC showed officials in US and Algerian military uniforms while training on M-16 machine guns equipped with infrared devices used in night-vision, as well as trainings on pilot-less reconnaissance aircrafts. ABC Channel’s pictures have not given any information about the trainings’ date or place, saying they were destined for countering terror groups in the Sahel region.


03-04-2008 By H.Y/ Translation A.A