Confrontations between dwellers and Gendarmerie forces
In the wake of burying the 7 haragas in Bibane Mesbah
Confrontations between dwellers and Gendarmerie forces
El Khabar, 10 april 2008
Bibane Mesbah village has witnessed yesterday confrontations between youth and law order forces following manifestations led in the wake of burying 7 illegal migrants drowned in Arzew coasts.
However, Home Affairs Minister denied the existence of any judicial gap in terms of illegal migration by see, saying the Algerian Law bans the exit of any citizen to another territory without owning required documents and visa.
Demonstrators in Bibane Mesbah village, Tiaret province have cut off the national road n 23, before the arrival of gendarmerie forces who managed dispersing protestors and reopening the road for traffic.
The dwellers told El Khabar “instead authorities come to condole us; they have sent 200 gendarmes with cop-dogs to suppress us.” However, 220 gendarmerie elements have surrounded the poor village, chasing and arresting about 10 youth.
Furthermore, sources close to the investigation being opened on the drowning illegal migrants in Arzew coast said the illegal migrants were likely drowned because the boat they rode did not support their weight; or because the boat crashed on a trade ship and sunk in the deep sea, regarding wounds noticed on bodies of the drowned victims. It is worth mentioning that coast guards have not found yet any piece of the boat, despite intensive searches.
On another side, Home Affairs Minister, Noureddine Yazid Zehouni denied yesterday the existence of any judicial gap in terms of sanctions that should be inflicted to illegal migrants by sea in case they are arrested.
Mr. Zerhouni told El Khabar: “the Algerian law bans people from travelling without required document or holding a visa,” denying statements made by some jurists and lawyers while saying there is no clear acts sentencing directly illegal migrants with 6 to one year prison.
He further made allusion to the elaboration of new preventive measures dealing with illegal migration blight, saying the issue is to be treated outside the law on conditions of entry and movement of foreigners in Algeria.
By M.R & L.B/ Translation A.A