Zerhouni says only 20 repentant terrorists joined back terrorism strongholds

Hattab’s amnesty is up to Justice

Zerhouni says only 20 repentant terrorists joined back terrorism strongholds

El Khabar, 7 october 2007

Home affairs Minister minimized the number of repentant terrorists who joined back armed activity. Mr. Yazid Zerhouni mentioned that they are no more than 20 terrorists since the entrance into force of Civil Concord Law which persuaded 6000 armed groups’ elements to lay down arms.
The minister told journalist, in a press conference, together with his French counterpart Michele Alliot-Marie in Paris, that the number of repentant terrorists who joined back terrorism strongholds is “so small”. Algerian Press Agency, APS, quoted Zerhouni saying that three quarters of armed people, i.e. about 6000, surrounded in the frame of Civil Concord Law highly approved by the Algerian people through 1999 referendum.
As far as the judicial situation of the surrounded chief terrorist Hassan Hattab is concerned, Home Affairs minister mentioned: “authorities considers him as a repentant, still he is to face many ongoing trials”. Mr. Zerhouni alluded that Hattab is not to benefit from peace law measures as long as Justice has not decided on his case.


By H.Y/ Translated by A.