Colonel Ali Tounsi commenting 12/11 attacks
Colonel Ali Tounsi commenting 12/11 attacks
“Don’t worry we have a plan to cope with suicide terrorist attacks!”
El Khabar, 15 december 2007
The head of the government refused any suggestion presuming that the less-privileged cities are kamikaze safe havens. He indicated that the security measures will be further strengthened. However, the general director of home land security, DGSN, Colonel Ali Tounsi said “don’t worry we have a plan to cope with suicide terrorist attacks!”
On the margins of police day celebration ceremony organized at the Higher School of Police in El Biar, Colonel Ali Tounsi said that counterterrorism services are up to cope with a potential 12/11-like suicide attacks. “Don’t worry…we have a plan to cope with the suicide terrorist attacks”, he reassured citizens.
He further explained that Ben Aknoun and Hydra terrorist operations could not be avoided whatever the security strengthening may be” and refused to talk about any security system gaps.
On another side, the head of the government Mr. Abdelaziz Belkhadem pledged himself to rehabilitate the damaged buildings within the forthcoming months. He, however, refused any suggestion presuming that the less-privileged cities are kamikaze safe havens “crime is crime whatever the situation may be.”
By Hamid Yes/ Translation by N.K