Abdelmalek Droukdel alias Abu Mussab Abdelouadoud overthrown
Ahmed Haroun new al Qaeda chief
Abdelmalek Droukdel alias Abu Mussab Abdelouadoud overthrown
El Khabar, 3 october 2007
Counter terrorism security apparatus get recently information about the al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb meeting in Djerrah region, borders between Bouira and Tizi Ouzou provinces, in August, at the end of which the national chief of the amorphous organization was overthrown and replaced by a terrorist called Ahmed Haroun, well-informed security sources told El Khabar.
The last al Qaeda communiqué signed by Abdelmalek Droukdel was that claiming the murder attempt of the former Islamic Salvation Army AIS territorial chief Mustapha Kartali, while the organization’s information cell signed through Salah Abu Muhammad the communiqués claiming president Bouteflika murder attempt, and Lakhdaria blast aimed at the French company Razel workers.
Al Qaeda has not yet announced the shift in command and it is to draw a new strategy complying with this change. The same sources said Droukdel overthrew is owed to its “incapability to keep pace with al Qaeda universal tendencies, targeting foreign interests and avoiding civilians, in addition to its incapability to find new terrorist candidates for recruitment”.
By A.B/ Translation by N.K