Abdelmoumen uncle discloses important personalities involved in Khalifa scandal

Mohamed Nanouche provisionally released by Nanterre court

Abdelmoumen uncle discloses important personalities involved in Khalifa scandal

El Khabar, 16 september 2007

Nanterre court released last week provisionally former Khalifa deputy CEO, Mohamed Nanouche, while Abdelmoumen Khalifa uncle who was the bank manager is remanded under custody until October 17 deliberations on the possibility to extradite the three indicted arrested by the French police to Algeria.
Judiciary sources reported that Kebache Ghazi, the Algeria runway Golden boy uncle told Nanterre court examining magistrate about important names who benefited from Khalifa advantages, who were providing Abdelmoumen with the necessary protection to his illicit activities.
Mr. Kebache further unveiled that the three persons are close to President Bouteflika, one of them used the criminal funds to buy a fancy flat in Paris, another one occupies an important position in the Presidency services and the other one benefited from huge amounts his daughter invested in many projects.


By M. Mahamed/ Translated by N.K