Terror-related charges prisoners on an unlimited hunger strike

Terror-related charges prisoners on an unlimited hunger strike

Police arrest three prisoners’ relatives among demonstrators

El Khabar, 10 December 2007

Prisoners for terrorism related charges have gone on an unlimited hunger strike in El Harrach penitentiary in Algiers. Police arrested 3 among the relatives of the prisoners after being banned from visit.

The relatives of terror-related charges prisoners have been banned from visit. They have blocked the street at around 10 am, but order forces have separated the demonstrators while El Khabar knew that one of them has been released because he is a minor, while the two other young men have been led to the police office for examinations.
“Police services have entered into confrontation with us and where violent with us,” the demonstrators testified, while the penitentiary guardianship has been reinforced to prevent any drift.
One of prisoners relative said that the reason behind visit banning is unknown. However El Khabar knew that the main reason is the unlimited hunger strike the prisoners went on. They claim their trials to be scheduled as soon as possible in addition to better their imprisonment conditions.


By F.Z/ Translation by N.K