Al-Khalifa bank creation based on false documents
Khalifa trial
Al-Khalifa bank creation based on false documents
El Khabar, 10 January 2007
President of hearing, Fatiha Brahimi, opened the second day of Khalifa trial yesterday by interrogating defendants, starting by the public notary who signed “birth certificate” of al-Khalifa Bank, Omar Rahal. He was asked to give information on the identity and number of the creators of al-Khalifa, and was interrogated on other facts related to Khalifa creation. His interrogation is to be resumed tomorrow.
On this second day of Khalifa trial, it was revealed that al-Khalifa Bank was created upon two faked bills, Abdelmoumen Khalifa, the main defendant, fraudulently signed on the behalf of his sister and father relating to his father’s house and drugstore, in order to get credits from Local Development Bank (BDL). However, the notary denied he had ever seen the two bills, the judge then interrupted him and gave some information, based upon legal investigation, confirming Abdelmoumen’s sister didn’t come to Algeria in that very period. She adds that Abdelmoumen mother didn’t sign the bills, neither.
Asked about the legality of the creation of al-Khalifa Bank, in July 1998, the notary said he didn’t know, but affirmed that the mistakes he made in dealing with al-Khalifa Bank’s creation could not be called forgery. He, however, admitted al-Khalifa Bank did not pay the capital determined for private banks’ creation, as it was mentioned in the creation bill, though. Public prosecutor then commented: “notary Rahal Omar issued a bill in violation of the laws of private banks’ creation”.
The notary was blamed for having not deposited Bank’s capital amount (500 million dinars) in the treasury as it is stipulated by the law, and for illegal change of capital and associates in the bills he issued.
By Mourad Mahamed