Saying colonialism “unjust” is a euphemism
Azouz Begag a former French minister to El Khabar:
Saying colonialism “unjust” is a euphemism
Azouz Begag former minister of opportunities equality promotion in De Villepin underscored that the Algerians have felt from the beginning Sarkozy hostility towards Muslims that’s why he hasn’t been welcomed warmly. He underscored that the adjective Sarkozy attributed to colonialism “mediocre”.
El Khabar: what do you think about the polemics preceding the visit of Nicolas Sarkozy, why such a media and a political hype was generated by the fact that the Algerian old veterans minister talks about the Jewish origins of the acting French President as well as the Jewish lobby who allowed him come to power ?
Azouz Begag: It is not the Jewish lobby that opened the Elysée doors to Sarkozy; it is 53% of French electors. It is democracy. Elysée doors cannot but be opened by the democratic system, never by a lobby.
El Khabar: how do you interpret Sarkozy statements during his visit to Algeria?
Azouz Begag: he talked about an « unjust » colonial system which is a euphemism! Colonisation in Algeria, like all colonisation, was an armed rape. A rape of culture, civilization, and economic wealth… it deserves thousand apologies on the behalf of Humanity. Not a mediocre adjective such “unjust”.
El Khabar:Sarkozy foreign affairs minister has insulted the Algerian minister of old veterans during his visit to Algeria, what does such attitude enshrine?
Azouz Begag:Mr Kouchner has a very bad reputation even in France, especially among his Socialist comrades he has betrayed. I think that I don’t need to add much more.
El Khabar:What do you think about the fact that he declares at the eve of his visit to Algeria that he is coming to bring contracts?
Azouz Begag:In France much has been said about contracts and about money to argue why Sarkozy is visiting Algeria, as well as to give a ‘convincing’ reason and minimise the historic bones of contention between the two countries.
El Khabar:-What is the perspective of the Algerian-French relations?
Azouz Begag: the French-Algerian relations shall rest on the will of millions of French citizens who endeavour to bettering the ties between the two countries. France and Algeria have interconnected memories and have imperatively to embroider a common future based on brotherhood and equilibrium.
El Khabar: – Algerians have warmly welcomed Jacques Chirac, contrary to Sarkozy, why?
Azouz Begag:just like the youth of the suburbs, Algerians felt the hostility Sarkozy during his presidential campaign against the Muslim world. However, Jacques Chirac was a genuine friend to Africa and Africans. And the Africans felt it.
By Kamel Zait/ Translation by N. K