Algeria-Watch: Text

At the eve of Sarkozy visit to Algeria

President Bouteflika says the French colonialisms “oppressor and racist”

El Khabar, 7 July 2007

At the eve of the French president Nicolas Sarkozy visit to Algeria scheduled next Tuesday, President Bouteflika renewed Algeria stand from the colonial era and the French Army abominable crimes against Algerians.
President Bouteflika said, when addressing the army senior officials on the occasion of the 45th commemoration of Algeria independence day, the French colonialism was an “oppressor and racist system”, renewing Algeria refusal to “disgraceful attempts meant to alter History”, in a tacit mention to February 23, 2005 French parliament law glorifying colonialism.
He added “A million and half a million Algerians paid their lives for their ideals victory. Today, we have to pay attribute to those martyrs, and we have to recall their heroic acts. These memories are necessary, yet they are neither meant to exacerbate whatever national jingoism, nor to hold whatsoever grudges or to legitimize rights and privileges on the behalf of the past sacrifices. The aim is, he pointed out, “to tell the youngest that the independence has been recovered at the highest price […] from a system that condemned the Algerian people to contempt, ignorance and exploitation”.
On another side, President Bouteflika unveiled a set of “political mutations” to pave the way for a “new” era, namely the introduction of changes likely to ease the management of the institutions as well as the enlargement of public freedoms, alluding to the constitutional revision.
President Bouteflika also gave the green light to lead intensified military operations against terrorist groups who turned their back to the national reconciliation”. He underscored that he will use his powers as a Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces to urge the army elements to “intensify their efforts to combat terrorism remnants”.
Mr. Abdelaziz Bouteflika renewed, during his annual meeting with Army officials, his complete trust in Army elements, saying that “July 5th occasion has ever been an occasion to express the nation’s gratitude towards its officers, noncommissioned officers and soldiers”.


By D. B/ H. Y/H. S/ Translated by N. K