Belkhadem accuses Sarkozy to want to rehabilitate a terrorist organization

In an interview with “Le Monde”

Belkhadem accuses Sarkozy to want to rehabilitate a terrorist organization

El Khabar, 5 May 2007

Prime minister, Abdelaziz Belkhadem, has accused French presidency candidate Nicolas Sarkozy to want to “rehabilitate Secrete Armed Organisation OAS”. He has demanded apologises for crimes and their denouncing in writing before the ratifying of friendship treaty between Algeria and France.
In an interview with the French newspaper “Le Monde”, Algerian Prime Minister has been asked about Sarkozy’s declarations in which he “turns his back to repentance” concerning colonial practices in Algeria, Belkhadem has indicated “he also wants to rehabilitate OAS, it was a criminal organisation, a terrorist organisation as Al Qaida today. It has been in a way the pioneer of Al Qaida”.
He has asserted the predisposition of Algiers to ratify the friendship treaty if colonialism is clearly denounced.
Concerning the constitution revision he has indicated that “in the FLN (National Liberation Front), we are for a strong presidential regime, but we have never talked about a vice president post even less that it will be attributed to FLN secretary general”. He has added that once legislative elections will be finished constitution revision will be tackled “still to set the calendar and the way to modify the constitution: referendum or parliament, president of Republic is the only one to decide”.

By Hamid Yes Translated by B.A