Arrest of already released people

GSPC prominent arrested figures transfer from Serkadji to Chlef prison

Arrest of already released people

El Khabar, 10 mai 2007

Algiers security services arrested eight people already released after being tired in the last criminal session including persons listed in the case of recruitment of Mujahidines in Iraq.
The accused appeared before the examining magistrate who remanded them under custody awaiting their trial in next criminal sessions. At the meantime, prison administration ordered a collective transfer of prisoners indicted with terrorism related charges from Serkadji prison in Algiers to Chlef Wilaya one, but the source has not mentioned the reasons. However, the source underscored that among the concerned prisoners there are prominent figures of the Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat –GSPC-.
Concerning those who have been re-arrested, their families expressed its astonishment and wondered about the reasons of the arrest. In this respect, well informed sources made clear that most of the arrested are indicted with the same charges namely what is called in law jargon “belonging to an international terrorist organization”.
Sources further indicated that two of the abovementioned arrested have already benefited from public suit extinguishment in the framework of peace and national reconciliation charter, and their ages vary from 30 to 40 year-old. In addition to these categories, there are people who have been released after serving the sentence, and other benefited from president Bouteflika 1999 amnesty.

By Hamid Yes/ Translated by N. K