Algeria will not take part in G 8 summit
Criticized for human rights and democracy status
Algeria will not take part in G 8 summit
El Khabar, 12 July 2006
Well informed diplomatic sources have revealed that the eight most important countries of the world have refused to invite Algeria to the G8 summit, which will start next Saturday at St. Petersburg in Russia, the reason of the absence of Algeria of this summit is due to an unsatisfactory assessment for the group’s members concerning the situation of human rights in our country and the regression of the democratic performance. In contrary to the previous summit held last year in Great Britain, Algeria will not take part this year to the most important international political meeting of the eight richest countries of the world. It will not participate to the 6th edition of the periodical dialogue between the G8 and Africa on files submitted to discussions this year and presided for the first time, since its adherence to the group in 1991 by Russia. According to diplomatic well informed sources, the absence of Algeria is due to critics of occidental countries in reports on the situation of human rights and the political system or the nature of regime in our country, these reports have been often published by international non governmental organizations, they direct many accusations to the Algerian regime the latest were Monday by Amnisty International, which has considered that measures of the charter of peace and national reconciliation consecrate the impunity in favour of security apparatuses and circles of intelligence. The President Abdelaziz Bouteflika took part in July of last year in Glenn Eagles in Scotland in the United Kingdom, in company of the leaders of South Africa, Senegal, Ghana, Ethiopia, Tanzania and Egypt for the fifth meeting of G8 with Africa where the situation of the partnership and the perspectives for its development between the two parts have been evaluated. The President had made an intervention around health and education in the African Continent, but he will not take part this year in the debate around the three main topics which are the Iranian nuclear crisis, the fight against epidemics and education.
2006-07-12 By F. Lamia