Missing families’ associations claim seriousness

As for the official outcome

Missing families’ associations claim seriousness

El Khabar, 10 septembre 2006

Missing families associations and the Algerian league for human rights advocacy claimed the public powers to remove the ambiguity and the enigmatic nature of the six months implementation of peace and national reconciliation charter clauses’ outcome, whereas “Soumoud” –resistance- association considered Djamel Ould Abbes revealed outcome regarding the reimbursement of families as a “failure”.
Soumoud’s head, Mr Ali Merabet, wondered in his yesterday’s statement to el Khabar, about the ground the charter’s implementation follow up committee adopted to come up to 6950 family qualified to receive compensation, alluding to the fewness of the number compared to overall submitted dossiers, which means that exclusion “machine” has run over many applicant families.
Merabet underscored that the official final figure construes but the “failure”, adding that “public authorities are to be clear regarding these issues and to unveil the standards set to end up with this figure” he showed his discontent as regards “the lack of seriousness when treating citizens’ problems”.
These statements match those uttered by missing families’ coordination body head Mrs Fahasi, claiming also the seriousness, noting that the bureaucratic hindrance has worsened the social situation of the that families.

Par C. Mohamed