Bush assistant in Algiers

To boost security cooperation

Bush assistant in Algiers

El Khabar, june 19, 2006

Frances Fragos Townsend, the assistant to president Bush for home land security and counter terrorism in Algeria, has arrived yesterday in Algeria, the American assistant has met the president Bouteflika, and she is expected to meet at the end of her visit today high responsible of the State concerning the case of cooperation in the terrorism fight.
The visit of the American assistant to the president for home land security and counter terrorism is the first of its kind since she has arrived in the position in May 2004, the American embassy in Algeria has indicated in an official statement yesterday that the case of bilateral cooperation between Algeria and the United States concerning terrorism is the heart of the visit.
The assistant has talked with Bouteflika in the presidency seat, it is believed that the American responsible has reported to the president the wide lines of the cooperation project discussed with Algeria, this visit also comes under the frame of the strengthening of its cooperation with Algeria and North African States as an unified bloc, in order to keep its strategic interests.
The visit of the American secretary of State, Donald Rumsfeld, has also been very confidential, but it has been a preamble to the visit of Townsend, especially that Rumsfeld has declared that the United States is trying to value and consolidate a solid partnership through the international campaign on terrorism, he has also indicated “we consider that the three countries, Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco can not be a land to groups in relation with El Qaida”.

By Atef Kedadra