Abschiebungen aus Großbritannien
Abschiebungen aus Großbritannien
- Terror suspect would rather face torture than endure UK controls (The Independent, 20.03.06)
- Terror suspect under control order pleads to be allowed to return to ‘torture regime’ (Sunday Herald,19.03.06)
- U.K.-Algeria Deal to Deport Suspects Is Fig-Leaf for Torture (HRW, 08.03.06)
- Algerian cleared of ‘ricin plot’ fears torture at home (Independent, 25.02.06)
- Race to prevent Algerian terror suspects’ release (Observer, 19.02.06)
- Britain and Algeria make progress on extradition (Reuters, 16.02.06)
- Free foreign suspects on control orders, says terror watchdog (03.02.06)
- Waiting For Justice: A Letter from Detainee P
- Extradition to France (Muslimnews, 27.01.06)
- Algeria, Britain Reach Agreement on Deportation of Algerian Fundamentalists (ach-chark al-awsat, 21.01.06)
- Terror Suspects To Be Freed on Bail (Cageprisoners, 17.12.05)
- ‘My Lawyer Said It Would Be Too Scandalous If I Was Arrested… She Was Wrong’ (The Independent, 15.12.05)
- Law lords ban evidence gained under torture (The Independent, 10.12.05)
- Crucial decisions for detention judges (The Guardian, 09.12.05)
- Torture ruling leaves terror policy in chaos (The Guardian, 09.12.05)
- UK:Highest Court Rules Out Use of Torture Evidence (HRW, 08.12.05)
- Algerian bomb suspect jailed in France after extradition (MET, 02.12.05)
- Britain gives approval to torture, claims Amnesty (Independant, 22.11.05)
- Blair Defends Plan to Deport 20 Foreigners (The Guardian, 02.12.05)
- Eid Letter from Detainee I (Cageprisoners, 19.11.05)
- On Behalf of the Families of the Deportees (Cageprisoners, 05.11.05)
- Eid message sent to Blair opposing deportation of Muslims (Irna, 03.11.05)
- Families deliver Eid card to Downing Street expressing opposition to deportations (Muslim news, 03.11.05)
- Law Detainees ‘Depressed’ (Cageprisoners, 01.11.05)
- Psychiatrists Report (Expert clinicians found that indefinite detention is having a damaging impact on detainees’ mental health)
- To All Concerned people (20.10.05)
- To Ann from Detainee I (10.05)
- Application lodged with the Court Ramzy v. the Netherlands (20.10.05)
- Anger as four terror suspects bailed (Times Online, 20.10.05)
- UK Wins Allies in Challenge To Torture Ruling (Guardian, 18.10.05)
- U.K.: Highest Court to Rule on Torture Evidence (HRW, 14.10.05)
- 90 Days: Plans to lock up terror suspects without charge provoke outcry (The Independent, 13.10.05)
- British police powers toughest in Europe (Guardian, 13.10.05)
- Blair urged to rethink terror law (This is London, 13.10.05)
- Don’t try to push us around, lord chief justice tells Labour (Guardian, 12.10.05)
- Government publishes anti-terror bill (Guardian, 12.10.05)
- UK compares terror law experience (BBC, 12.10.05)
- Watchdog ‘concern’ over terror bill (PA, 12.10.05)
- Ricin jurors attack new terror laws (The Observer, 09.10.05)
- Clarke scolds UN over criticism on deportations (Reuters, 04.10.05)
- Algerians held without trial in despair, says lawyer (Guardian, 30.09.05)
- Clarke defends terror plans (Guardian, 27.09.05)
- Terrorism suspects are ‘too dangerous to be given bail’ (The Times, 27.09.05)
- Police blunder after 9/11 ‘destroyed pilot’s career’ (The Times, 26.09.05)
- British Government Announces New Attacks on Civil Liberties (World Socialist Website, 23.09.05)
- Interview with Jurors from the ‘Ricin’ Trial (CP, 22.09.05)
- Pilot’s demand for 9/11 apology halts terror deal (Times Online, 20.09.05)
- Open Letter to Muslim Council of Britain (09.09.05)
- An Interview with Ann (a member of SACC and a friend of some of the men who were detained, 07.09.05)
- Our deportation plan may be illegal, admits Blair (06.09.05)
- Press Release from Scotland Against Criminalising Communities (05.09.05)
- A cry for help from detainee A (02.09.05)
- Deal over terror suspects delayed (BT, 02.09.05)
- Clarke delays detaining preachers of hate (TO, 31.08.05)
- UK lists deportation rules for radicals (UPI, 24.08.05)
- UN: « Diplomatic assurances » not an adequate safeguard for deportee (23.08.05)
- Liberty Statement on Government Proposals to Deport Suspects to Countries That Torture
- Demonstration on Saturday, 3 september
- Anti-terror legislation condemned (BBC, 16.08.05)
- Letter to Charles Clarke, home secretary (15.08.05)
- Watchdog backs expulsion of radicals (Guardian, 15.08.05)
- Reply to the Sunday Herald Editorial (13.08.05)
- What now for the detainees? (Guardian, 12.08.05)
- Rights groups to guard against abuse (Guardian, 12.08.05)
- Press Statement III: Re Deportation Arrests 11 August 2005 (Birnberg Peirce & Partners Solicitors, 12.08.05)
- Press Statement II (Birnberg Peirce & Partners Solicitors, 11.08.05)
- Press Statement I (Birnberg Peirce & Partners Solicitors, 11.08.05)
- Q&A: what next for the detainees (Times Online, 11.08.05)
- Extremists who are deported will be tortured, warns UN expert (Independent, 10.08.05)
- Kritik an Blairs Vorschlägen zur Bekämpfung des Terrors (Swiss-Info, 06.08.05)