Robert Fisk: Blair’s lies and linguistic manipulations
Robert Fisk: Blair’s lies and linguistic manipulations My Dad used to call people like Blair a ‘twerp’. But I fear he is a vicious little man The Independant,...
Informations sur la situation des droits humains en Algérie
Robert Fisk: Blair’s lies and linguistic manipulations My Dad used to call people like Blair a ‘twerp’. But I fear he is a vicious little man The Independant,...
AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL Public Statement AI Index: EUR 45/019/2007 (Public) News Service No: 213 6 November 2007 UK: Secret judicial proceedings again expose individuals to risk of torture or...
United Kingdom: Stop Deportations to Risk of Torture Promises From Algeria and Jordan Unreliable in Preventing Abuse London, Human Rights Watch, October 22, 2008 The British government should...
Extraditions from the UK Britain to extradite a new bunch of Algerians (EK, 16.12.08) United Kingdom: Stop Deportations to Risk of Torture (HRW, 22.10.08) Indefinite detention of four...
British shadow government home affairs ministry deceived The court voids an Algerian accused with terrorism extradition El Khabar, 15 mai 2007 The British court ordered yesterday the extinguishment...
Algerian terror suspects being held without trial agree to be deported The Associated Press, International Harald tribune, January 20, 2007 At least three Algerian men detained as suspected...
‘In Britain, I have fewer rights than an animal’ When the man known as ‘G’ fled torture in Algeria, the UK offered the hope of refuge. But then...
Gareth Peirce: Statement Regarding the Return of the Algerian Refugees 20 January 2007 Fewer than a handful of Algerian refugees are consciously choosing to face torture and indefinite...
Urgent action for ‘disappeared’ Algerians By IRR News Team, 1 February 2007 Amnesty International has issued an urgent appeal on behalf of two men who were deported from...
Statement from Detainee K 24 January 2007 Today I am leaving the UK to return to Algeria, my country of origin. Voluntarily, according to the Home Office. In...
Fighting a ghost By IRR News Team, 11 January 2007, An Algerian national security detainee speaks out against his indefinite detention in the UK. On 12 January,...
Torture expert attacks deportation Press Association, Saturday August 26, 2006 A court ruling allowing the Government to deport a foreign terror suspect to Algeria has been strongly criticised...
Algerian held indefinitely under deportation speaks out 04-01-2007 London, The Muslim News OnLine: The Muslim News has received this letter from high security prison Long Lartin where...
Algerian loses deportation appeal Staff and agencies, Guardian Unlimited, August 24, 2006 An Algerian who was cleared of any involvement in the supposed « Ricin plot » today lost his...
Appeal court judges hold up deportation of three Algerian terror suspects · Immigration commission to reconsider cases · Details of grounds for refusal kept secret Clare Dyer, legal...
Reid promises electronic border controls to check visitor numbers · Biometric ID cards for foreign residents in UK · ‘Shop a rogue employer’ plan to curb illegal jobs...
A sad day for human rights Is the return of two Algerian terror suspects to Algeria a triumph for the government? Hardly Paul Donovan, The Guardian, June 20,...
Algerian detainee deported to France for alleged terror links · Man with partner and child in UK told to leave · MK denies connections with ‘extreme networks’ Richard...
Britain Extradites Man Convicted in France The Guardian, June 22, 2006 PARIS (AP) – A man convicted in 2004 by a French court for his role in a...
AI Index: EUR 45/046/2005 20 October 2005 AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL Media Briefing AI Index: EUR 45/046/2005 (Public) News Service No: 283 20 October 2005 United Kingdom: Deportation of terror...
Thomas Gareth next January in Algiers Britain to extradite a new bunch of Algerians By A.K/ Translation A.A, El Khabar, 16 december 2008 Algeria is to be handed...
Press Release from Scotland Against Criminalising Communities 8.00pm Tuesday 20 June, for immediate release SACC is becoming increasingly concerned over the welfare of detainees « V » and « I », who...
PUBLIC AI Index: MDE 28/012/2006 Further Information on 173/06 (MDE 28/011/206, 20 June 2006) Incommunicado detention/fear of torture and other ill-treatment Two Algerian men, known as « V » and...
Concern about Algerians By IRR News Team, 22 June 2006 Two men, deported to Algeria from the UK over the weekend, have failed to contact their families...
PRESS RELEASE Letter of protestation on arrival of Algerian President Bouteflika on British soil AL KARAMA, 11/07/2006 Al-Karama has written an open letter to UK Prime Minister Tony...
Home Office says sorry to suspects for ricin blunder Audrey Gillan, The Guardian, April 16, 2005 The Home Office has been forced to apologise to 10 men placed...
CAMPAIGN AGAINST CRIMINALISING COMMUNITIES PUBLIC MEETING: The Algerian `terror suspects’; from acquittal or internment to deportation – and torture ? Hosted and chaired by Mr. Elfyn Llwyd, M.P....
Algeria ‘fed false information’ about terror suspect May, 24, 2006, 0,13319,5337_1242978,00.html The British Security Services were fed false information by the Algerian authorities about a terror suspect...
‘I thought Britain stood for justice, but the British government has abandoned us’ Ian Cobain and Cynthia O’Murchu, The Guardian, Tuesday October 3, 2006,,1886309,00.html At least nine...
The Hostages of HMP Long Lartin Letters written by the hostages at HMP Long Lartin British people and the Muslim community have the right to know what...
Foreign ministry promised to release them soon Families of the extradited ask explanations El Khabar, June 22, 2006 Families of the two Algerian nationals, who were extradited by...
Britain defends anti-terror measures By Hannah K. Strange, UPI UK Correspondent, 26 April 2006 LONDON — Britain’s use of controversial memoranda of understanding to enable deportations of...
Algerian terror suspects want to go home · Hunger strikers’ letter to Guardian tells of despair · They say torture better than ‘cruelty’ in Britain Vikram Dodd, The...
UK fails to secure deal on Algerian deportees · Talks ended with only oral assurance on torture · Return of prisoners may contravene human rights Richard Norton-Taylor, The...
Terror suspect under control order pleads to be allowed to return to ‘torture regime’ By James Hamilton, Sunday Herald, 19 March 2006 A TERROR suspect and former Belmarsh...
Terror suspect would rather face torture than endure UK controls By Terry Kirby, Chief Reporter, The Independent, 20 March 2006, Human rights and Muslim organisations have attacked...
Ramda, ten years of diplomatic trial of strength London refused his extradition asserting of risks of « degrading treatment » in France By Armelle THORAVAL , Libération, February 17, 2006...
U.K.-Algeria Deal to Deport Suspects Is Fig-Leaf for Torture Human Rights Watch, March 8, 2006 (London, March 8, 2006) – The United Kingdom cannot deport security suspects at...
Algerian cleared of ‘ricin plot’ fears torture at home By Nigel Morris, Home Affairs Correspondent, he Independant, 25 February 200 An Algerian man threatened with deportation despite...
Terror suspect in removal appeal BBC, 25 April 2006 A terror suspect once arrested in connection with a possible ricin plot against Britain has launched an appeal against...