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RSF: No-one goes in, no-one comes out!

Reporters Without Borders / Reporters sans frontières NO-ONE GOES IN, NO-ONE COMES OUT! 11 October 2006 Reporters Without Borders said today it was dismayed at the Algerian authorities’...

Algeria amnesties journalists

Algeria amnesties journalists 2006-05-03 Bouteflika keeps his major critic Mohamed Benchicou behind bars for his common law offence. ALGIERS – Algeria’s President Abdelaziz Bouteflika marked Press Freedom...

The National Institution for Human Rights (CNCPPDH) in the hot seat

The National Institution for Human Rights (CNCPPDH) in the hot seat Alkarama, 15 May 2009 Algeria’s national institution for human rights is about to lose its International...

Algeria: Stop the denial, disclose the truth

AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL PRESS RELEASE Embargoed for 00:01 GMT Monday 30 March 2009 Algeria: Stop the denial, disclose the truth Ten days ahead of Algeria’s presidential elections, Amnesty International...

Union for Mediterranean: a way to bypass human rights?

Union for Mediterranean: a way to bypass human rights? (Brussels, 11 July) The Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) initiative, to be endorsed on 13 July, may lead to...

Guilty verdict against human rights lawyer undermines

AI Index: MDE 28/002/2008 (Public) Date: 14 April 2008 Algeria: Guilty verdict against human rights lawyer undermines Algeria’s commitment to human rights Amnesty International deplores the prosecution of...

UN: Mixed Results for New Review Process

For Immediate Release UN: Mixed Results for New Review Process States Avoid Serious Discussion of Rights in Algeria, Tunisia (Geneva, April 18, 2008) – The first session of...

Algeria: Human rights lawyers on trial

AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL Public Statement AI Index: MDE 28/003/2007 (Public) News Service No: 009 16 January 2007 Algeria: Human rights lawyers on trial On the eve of the start...

Human Rights Lawyers Tried on Dubious Charges

Algeria: Human Rights Lawyers Tried on Dubious Charges (Brussels, February 20, 2007) – Algerian authorities should drop politically motivated charges against two human rights lawyers when their trial...

Algeria: Human rights lawyers on trial

AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL Public Statement AI Index:MDE 28/003/2007 (Public) News Service No: 009 16 January 2007 Algeria: Human rights lawyers on trial On the eve of the start of...

Amnesty International’s 2009 annual report

Amnesty International’s 2009 annual report 28 May 2009 ALGERIA Head of state: Abdelaziz Bouteflika Head of government : Ahmed Ouyahiya (replaced Abdelaziz Belkhadem in June) Death penalty abolitionist...

EU-Algeria accord: human rights clause effectively dead

Amnesty International AI Index: MDE 28/012/2001 News Service 226/2001 Press Release from Amnesty International EU Office. Brussels, 18 December, 2001 EU-ALGERIA ACCORD: HUMAN RIGHTS CLAUSE EFFECTIVELY DEAD As...

Algeria-Watch: Human Rights Violations > Reports

Reports Amnesty International’s 2009 annual report (28.05.09) The National Institution for Human Rights (CNCPPDH) in the hot seat (AK, 15.05.09) Algeria to the Council on Human Rights: The...

Killings in Serkadji Prison

AI Index: MDE 28/001/1996 16 February 1996 EXTERNAL AI Index: MDE 28/01/96 Distrib: PG/SC Date: 26 February 1996 MEDICAL CONCERN ALGERIA Killings in Serkadji Prison Between 21 and...

Truth and justice obscured by the shadow of impunity

AI Index: MDE 28/011/2000 8 November 2000 ALGERIA Truth and justice obscured by the shadow of impunity INTRODUCTION The scale and depth of the tragedy which Algeria has...

Torture: An Institutionalised and Systematic Practice

Torture in Algeria: An Institutionalised and Systematic Practice Excerpt from a report by Algeria-Watch and Salah-Eddine Sidhoum: Algeria: La machine de mort, October 2003, Translation from french...